Monday, September 30, 2002

Toothless Grin

I was doing some last minutes Christmas shopping in a toy store and decided to look at fashion dolls. A nicely dressed little girl was excitedly looking through the same dolls as well, with a roll of money clamped tightly in her little hand. When she came upon a doll she liked, she would turn and ask her father if she had enough money to buy it. He usually said “yes,” but she would keep looking and keep going through their ritual of “do I have enough?”

As she was looking, a little boy wandered in a cross the aisle and started sorting through some of the video games. He was dressed neatly, but in clothes that were obviously rather worn, and wearing a jacket that was probably a couple of sizes too small. He, too, had money in his hand, but it looked to be no more than five dollars or so, at the most. He was with his father as well, but each time he picked one of the video games and looked at his father, his father shook his head.

The little girl had apparently chosen her doll, a beautifully dressed, glamorous creation that would have been the envy of every little girl on the block. However, she had stopped and was watching the interchange between the little boy and his father. Rather dejectedly, the boy had given up on the video games and had chosen what looked like a book of stickers instead. He and his father then started walking through another aisle of the store.

The little girl put her carefully chosen doll back on the shelf and ran over to the video games. She excitedly picked up one that was lying on top of the other toys, and raced toward the checkout after speaking with her father. I picked up my purchases and got in line behind them. Then, much to the little girl’s obvious delight, the little boy and his father got in line behind me.

After the toy was paid for and bagged, the little girl handed it back to the cashier and whispered something in her ear. The cashier smiled and put the package under the counter. I paid for my purchases and was rearranging things in my purse when the little boy came up to the cashier.

The cashier rang up his purchases and then said, “Congratulations, you have been selected to win a prize!” With that, she handed the little boy the video game, and he could only stare back in disbelief. It was, he said, exactly what he had wanted!

The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway during all of this, and I saw the biggest, prettiest, toothless grin on that little girl that I have ever seen in my life. Then they walked out the door, and I followed close behind them.

As I walked back to my car, in amazement over what I had just witnessed, I heard the father ask his daughter why she had done that. I’ll never forget what she said to him, “Daddy, didn’t Nana and PawPaw want me to buy something that would make me happy?” He said, “Of course they did, honey.” To which the girl replied, “Well, I just did!” With that, she giggled and started skipping toward their car.

Sunday, September 29, 2002

Last One Today, I Promise

Take this Quiz

haha What's naive?

Take This Quiz!

Take the Dessert Quiz

I Told You I Had More

I am a celebrity, a natural born leader, and a mascot. When old people think of video games, they oftentimes get a mental image of me. Countless times I've been called into battle to save Peach from various baddies, even back in the days of Atari, and I have never faltered. Others may be jealous, but who cares? I'm Mario!

What Super Mario Bros character are you?

What's your Chocolate flavor?

Quiz made by Chesa

I'm A Fruity Cadbury's Fruit & Nut!

I'm A Fruity Cadbury's Fruit & Nut, baby!  What Are You?

Take the 'What Cadbury's Chocolate Are You?' Test

By Little Miss Alien.

I've Got Plenty More

See which Greek Goddess you are.

See what Care Bear you are.

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain


Which Breakfast Clubber Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty


The Band Quiz By Rahel

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

Monday, September 23, 2002

What I'm Thankful For

The world would be a horrible place without:

** Friends and other nice people
** People you don't know but are nice anyway
** Pretty days
** Presents
** Kind words
** Wisdom
** Computers
** Cars
** Oldies
** Soccer
** Help
** Color
** Smells
** Food (esp good home cooking)
** Inspirations
** Angels
** Caffine
** Sugar
** Memories
** Books
** Picture frames
** Balloons
** Flowers
** Teddy bears
** Appreciation
** Humor
** Water
** Fun
** Hugs
** Smiles
** Butterflies

Sunday, September 22, 2002

On My Mind

A funny convo I had with my dad today:
Me: Where were you today?
Dad: I went shopping for an answering machine.
Me: Don't we already have one of those?
Dad: Yes, but it makes loud humming noises. That means it's about to blow up. I thought we'd get a new one.
Disclaimer: Dad usually isn't that weird

I have my ears pierced, and I have since I was like... 11 or 12, but I never wear earrings ever. Except for once every 3 or 4 months for a few minutes to make sure my holes haven't closed up. I have lots of pairs, some are really cool, but I never wear them. Once last year I did and people made fun of me. I stopped. And now I have my ears pierced but I don't wear earrings.

School is hard. Life is hard. You find inspiration when/where you least expect it to be, so always be open to it, and good things will come from even the worst situations. That's the nice part.

Where did the king put his armies? In his sleevies.

Rascall Flatt's Melt comes out the 29th of next month. I'm excited because I like music, especially theirs. As soon as I buy it, it's going in my car, and never coming out. For a while at least.

Give random acts of kindness a try.

Practical jokes are really fun. But not when they're mean. Those are sad, and they upset me. But when they're innocent, they're really funny. Example of innocent practical joke: Filling Mason's office with balloons. Example of a not innocent practicle joke: Filling Mason's office with smelly seaweed.

Leave a post if you remember that little cartoon in Animaniacs that was called Good Idea, Bad Idea. That was the greatest.

Also, I saw a live racoon on Friday, and it was much more exciting than finding a stupid dead squirrel, because the racoon was alive, and the dead squirrel wasn't. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read Boris's blog.

Always Return Your Phone Calls

Angela knew that Charlotte, he best friend, was having a rough time. Charlotte was moody and depressed. She was withdrawn around everyone except for Angela. She instigated arguments with her mom and had violent confrontations with her sister. Most of all, Charlotte's bleak and desperate poetry worried Angela.

No one was on particularly good speaking terms with Charlotte that summer. For most of her friends, Charlotte had become too difficult. They had no interest in hanging out with someone who was so bleak and in so much pain. Their attempts to "be a friend" were met with angry accusations or depressed indifference.

Angela was the only one who could reach her. Although she would have liked to be outside, Angela spent most of her time inside with her troubled friend. Then a day came when Angela had to move. She was going just across town, but Charlotte would no longer be her neighbor, and they would be spending far less time together.

The first day in her new neighborhood, out playing with her new neighbors, Angela wondered how Charlotte was doing. When she got home, shortly before twilight, her mother told her Charlotte had called.

Angela went to the phone to return the call. No answer. She left a message on Charlotte's machine. "Hi Charlotte, it's Angela. Call me back."

About half an hour later, Charlotte called. "Angela, I have to tell you something. When you called, I was in the basement. I had a gun to my head. I was about to kill myself, but then I heard your voice on the machine upstairs."

Angela collapsed into her chair.

"When I heard your voice I realized someone loves me, and I am so lucky that it is you. I'm goin gto get help, because I love you, too."

Charlotte hung up the phone. Angela went right over to Charlotte's house, and they sat on the porch swing and cried.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Have a Seat Upon a Cloud

Have a seat upon a cloud and make yourself at home
You are now inside my dreams, inside a book, inside a poem.

Where anything can happen if you only make it real
Plunge into my waters if you're not afraid to feel.

Take off your shoes and close your eyes, relax upon my sand
Join me in my land of dreams, reach out and take my hand.

Let me share my dreams with you until you find your own
I'll take you there if you believe, take mine out on loan.

Where birds are words so gracefully they glide across the sky
Leave behind your worries, here the rules do not apply.

Pick my flowers if you like and plant a seed or two
Paint the sky in polka dots if you do not like it blue.

Climb my trees, face your fears; erase them one by one
See the world from up above and don't stop at the sun.

When the world starts raining down and the sun is out of sight
Let the dreams control your mind and help you through the night.

There's a place inside my dreams for all who care to roam
So have a seat upon a cloud and make yourself at home.

~Danielle Rosenblatt

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Cheeseburger in Paradise

The future. Everyone always asks me what I want to be when I grow up. Well, I want to be bigger for one thing. I want to have money and be happy and have friends and pets and a family. And free time. I don't want to be a workoholic like some people I won't name (cough*DAD*cough) but I don't want to sit around all day either like other people I won't name (cough*MOM*cough). I mean, it's nice that dad makes a lot of money and it's nice that mom has time to spend it, but he's always stressed out and she's always bored. They should compromise. Like I want to.

Let's see. After college, I want to get married. I don't know where, but I know I want to honeymoon in Capri. It's so pretty. I like it there and it'll be fun. Plus there's shopping. And good food. Then I want to get a good job. I don't really know what I'd like to do yet (that's why there weren't any details about college), but I know I want it to be fun and exciting.

For a while I thought about owning a business. It could be exciting. I could chose to sell whatever I want, I could close on whatever holidays (or not so holidays) that I wanted to. I could have some fun with it. But then the more I think about background TV, the more I can't get over it. It's one of those things you don't realize you miss until something triggers it. For me this time, it was the FOX 4 thing. Last year it was tech theater that did it to me. That would be stressful though. Tons of fun though. Maybe they would balance out!!

Anyway, after I have a job and I've started making money , I want to buy a jet. Not that fake jet I'm always kidding about, but a real jet. A special jet, made especially to fly me to my island. Oh that's right, I want to own an island too. It'll be my own private paradise. Like a kid in a treehouse, I'll spend all my free time there. It won't have electricity though. That would be too complicated to set up... and I'd have to pay for it and stuff. And then what if the lines went down and I had to deal with those stupid 1800 numbers to get people out to fix them? No thank you. Since it's private though, no one will mind. The only people that will be allowed to go there are the ones I take in my jet... my husband, our friends, our kids, and their friends. We'll throw great parties and go swimming. We'll drink kool-aid and eat fun dip, and be happy.

We'll never want to go home, but we will, because we're responsible. I'll work hard, and accomplish something because of it. I won't be frustrated with my job or my life, and if I am, I'll change something.

The walls in my house will be painted colors other than white. When my son asks where his crayons are, I'll say they're in the blue closet, and he'll know exactly where to find them. When my aunt comes over to stay with me for a weekend and she wants to know which room is hers, I'll say the pink one, and she'll know just where to go. It's a time saver really. There will be los of mirrors, too, becuase you can play tricks with them. Let's say you're watching tv, and someone rings the doorbell, but you're too lazy to get up. Well, you just have to look in the mirror and see who's at the door, and then you can decided if it's worth getting up or not. Oh and I'm going to have those little intercom systems so that when it's dinner time, I don't have to yell for my kids to come, I can just talk into the wall and they'll know. And so that I can have music playing through the whole house, cus I like music.

I'm going to have hobbies like crafty things that I'm going to sell at places like my mom used to when I was younger. I'm going to help my kids with their homework and projects and be a soccer mom. I'm going to be in clubs and things and volunteer and have a lot of fun. It's gonna be so great. Would you like to be in my future? You can be my Cheeseburger in Paradise.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Difficult Decision

My life is busy. I have a lot to do... Rather than take certain stupid people's advice (AP classes are stupid, they don't even prepare you for college) or other stupid people's advice (dude, band sucks, you're wasting your time) I've decided to take my own advice (Blogs aren't as important as other things!!) So... I have to sadly inform all 3 of you people that read this... that I have decided to back off the posts. I will no longer post once a day unless I actually have something to say (this will cut down on the crap entries too...) But I have a new idea! If you want me to post more, leave comments on topics I could post about. Even something broad, I'll just build off it and it'll be great! You'll get to read, I'll get to post, what great fun. So there you have it, leave a comment!

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Back to Black

Black isn't a very pretty color. You know, technically, I don't even think it is a color. It's the absense of all colors. Or the combonation of all colors. Depends on if you're working with lights or pigments, I guess. I love Physics and Tech Theater! I'm goning to win Who Wants to Be A Millionaire! And a 100 dollar bill!

But Back to Black. I don't like black. It's just not my favorite.My favorite color is blue I think. I know that's boring but I can't help it. It's a very pretty color! I wish I had blue eyes... But at least I don't have black eyes like my brother. His eyes are scary... I like people with pretty eyes better (maybe that's why I don't like Brent?) I don't like it when people wear colored contacts, because then I don't really know if their eyes are pretty or not. I only know if their fake eyes are pretty or not.

But back to black. My cat is black. I like her usually, but sometimes she can be annoying. I think black follows that same characteristic. It's fine until it gets annoying. If you wear black everyday, it's annoying, so stop. Wear some pastels or bright, fun colors for goodness sakes! It'll really liven up your life.

But back to black...

Monday, September 09, 2002

If a chronic liar tells you she is a chronic liar, do you believe her?

Disclaimer: This entry has absolutely nothing to do with liars (other than this disclaimer) so please disregard the title.

The Official Cool List:
Nick (for being my best friend)
Martin (for being fun to make fun of)
Colin (for liking Ben)
Becky (for being funny)
Jennifer (for being entertaining)
Lindsey (for being spastic)
Roxanne (for being nice)

Again, no lying!

And also, I know I change my favorites a lot, but I'm a girl, so it's allowed. Everyone download some Ben songs, cus he's my new fave artist! His cool website (found in the links on the side of this page) is very nifty and has the words to his songs, which is my favorite thing for artists to do! Yay for that. Check him out. Buy my a t-shirt. Youth L/ Adult S. You know you want to!

I know these entries have been really weak and I'm sorry... I don't have an excuse. I usually write about 3 entries before one makes the cut. Today's previous entries include "Say No to Pre-Marital Sex" and "The Memo and Ashley's List of Acceptable Guy Traits." If you are in need of some hard core random thoughts because you're going through Ashley withdrawl, check out Boris' Blog. His complaints are actually very entertaining.

For now and forever, Smile, someone loves you!

Horoscopes and Fortunes

Horoscopes and Fortunes are stupid. I mean really, the horoscope I got today from my Bazooka Bubble Gum says "Who wants to look like a million bucks? They're all green and wrinkled!" Let me start with this not even being a fortune! It's just a sad attempt at a joke! A really, really bad joke! Secondly, if I relied on bubble gum to tell me what my life was going to be like, I'd be a seriously screwed up person.

And horoscopes... come on people you can't rely on those things. They're fun when they work out, but you shouldn't plan your day in accordance to them. If your horoscope said you shouldn't interact with people tomorrow, would you stay home from school? If so you seriously need help! Really! They're just written by weirdos who only wish their own lives were as exciting as the ones they predict.

I mean this stuff is borderline psychic hotline crazy. If you had to pay money to read horoscopes or fortunes, I bet you wouldn't. And why not? Because it's not neccessary! And it doesn't ever make any sense! In conclusion, horoscopes and fortunes are worthless. Ashley is not!

Sunday, September 08, 2002

The Horrors

I meant to update my template, make it a little less... pink and kitty-ful... but i forgot to save my commenting system and my old links... and I also screwed up my archiveness... so, just stick with me and I'll get these figured out, I promise.

My Fred Period, Part II

"Hi, I'm Fred!"

I introduced myself to people that way after school for a year and a half, and then my freshman year also. People remembered my name and it was a great conversation starter. I met tons of new friends. There was this one group of girls I always used to talk to. I don't remember any of their names though. Theirs weren't as interesting as mine. I called one of them Lil Buddy. I have a picture of her. She was my favorite of the four.

Then there were other people I talked to after school. Ally Temple for one. I decided to talk to her because she was sitting on a sax case, and it's never as scary to go start a conversation with a band person than a regular person. I remember we talked about the talent show, but I don't remember much else.

Freshman year Alison Stoltzfus couldn't keep me and Jennifer straight. She knew one of us was Truck Spit, and the other was Fred, but she always got us switched. She was nice though, so I liked her, and she joined our club, so I forgave her. You should join our club, too.

Once I was getting my playing card signed by Nick Stavarou, number 23, and he asked me what my name was. I said Fred. He asked if that was short for Fredrica in his beautiful English accent. I fell in love. Except not really, I'm more for Beau Brown...yeah...

Anywho, I went by Fred for three long years. Maybe more than that if you consider that I still answer to it and at least one person (Christina Dale, Cameron's little sister) still calls me that. I always wonder if she knows my real name. I'm interested to find out...

So, to make a long story short, if you can't remember my name, call me Fred!

Saturday, September 07, 2002

September Holidays

*National TV Month

5- Be Late For Something Day
7- Zack Smith's Birthday
8- Michelle Calhoun's Birthday
11- No News Is Good News Day
12- Video Game Day
13- Defy Super Situation Day
16- Stay Away From Seattle Day
17- Malory Fruit's Birthday
18- National Play Dough Day
20- Courtney Flatt's Birthday
21- Crazy Sock Day
22- Dear Diary Day
23- What’s Up Day
24- Chica Day
25- Austin Burt's Birthday
27- Ask A Stupid Question Day
28- Fish Tank Floorshow Night
29- Lucky Day
30- Scary Day/ National Mud Pack Day

My Fred Period

In 7th and 8th grades, I never made the bus after school (remember, back when bus service was still free...) Since I never made the bus, and I didn't drive because I was in 7th and 8th grade, I had to get a ride home from someone. Chiefly, my mother. At the begining of my 7th grade year, she would pick me up exactly 15 minutes after school got out. That gave me enough time to get my things and go to the band hall to talk to people, a habit which I still have... Then, my mother decided to start volunteering at the ISD building.

She mostly just stuffed envelopes and did filing and stuff, and could leave to come pick me up whenever. Then as she became a regular there, they gave her harder jobs. I know this because she told me, but I don't remember what they are because I didn't care... The one I do remember is Switchboard Operator. The days my mother subbed in for the S.O. (haha like tech... ok nm) she couldn't leave the AdMin Build till 4:30, and couldn't get to me till 4:40!

Middle school ends early... I had a lot of downtime to say the least. The first few times it happened I just hung out in the band hall. I ran copies and cut papers and typed up stuff to tape to the walls, cleaned up stuff... actually a lot of the same stuff we did this summer at the bh... hmm... once again, old habits die hard. But as it got to be a regular occurance, I ran out of things to do! I became a distraction instead of a help, so Mr Gray and Mr Westfall lovingly (they didn't express it well, but I know they meant it within) told me to stop coming! Thus begining my "Fred Period" as historians call it.

If you'll recall, when people wait for their parents to pick them up after school, they tend to gather and talk. I always talked to my friends until they left, then I would get bored and make new friends. I tried meeting people a few times but it was hard. They either weren't as extroverted as myself or they couldn't even remember me from day to day. Then I invented Fred.

To be continued...

Friday, September 06, 2002

Quotable quotes:

energetic56 (9:49:31 PM): how was your day
LukeI4II (10:06:09 PM): good untill now

TrumpetGuy327: you're just too attractive to turn people gay

SupplePenguin: isnt amazing how band works its way into everything

TrumpetGuy327: I wanna see these pants

Jennifer8226: like, i feel like im in 5th grade

TrumpetGuy327: we do Pancakes

crazymouton03: and i told him, i was gonna put it in his bed, so it would eat his eyebrows.

Jennifer8226: his mom read us books in 4th grade


trumpet3455: why isnt osama bin laden blind?

TrumpetGuy327: like, cuz you're so puny

ambabe girl247: i dont think i can get any this week

Thursday, September 05, 2002

About Nick (and bathrooms)

Nick is my friend.
I like him very much.
We talk until the end,
Of our class APUSH.


Until today I always thought there were too many bathrooms in our school. Well, not bathrooms I guess, but bathroom stalls. There's so many! And most of them are unuseable because the lock is broken or they're clogged or they're out of toilet paper. But then today, I really had to go to the bathroom, so I hurried on my way to 5th period... and every single stall was taken. It was quite and event. Not only that, but there was a line!! A line at school to use the bathroom!! I had to wait to go until later, so I am going to blame my poor test score on my lack of concentration due to the unavailability of bathroom stalls. Then maybe I'll sue the school. The end.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Love, or Infatuation?

Hey so here's a newspaper article I've had for longer than I can remember... I thought I'd write it out, since it hasn't gone to much use keeping it in a box somewhere. Maybe it'll help someone, what do I know?

Infatuation is instant desire. It is one set of glands calling to another. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows—one day at a time.

Infatuation is marked by a feeling of insecurity. You are excited and eager, but not genuinely happy. There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and pieces about your beloved that you would as soon not examine too closely. It might spoil the dream.

Love is the quiet understanding and the mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you, to bolster your beloved. You are warmed by his presence, even when he is away. Miles do not separate you. You want him nearer. But near or far, you know he is yours and you can wait.

Infatuation says, “We must get married right away. I can’t risk losing him.”

Love says, “Be patient. Don’t panic. Plan your future with confidence.”

Infatuation has an element of sexual excitement. If you are honest, you will admit is it difficult to be in one another’s company unless you are sure it will end in intimacy. Love is the maturation of friendship. You must be friends before you can be lovers.

Infatuation lacks confidence. When he’s away, you wonder if he’s cheating. Sometimes you check.

Love means trust. You are calm, secure, and unthreatened. He feels that trust, and it makes him even more trustworthy.
Infatuation might lead you to do things you’ll regret later, but love never does.

Love is an upper. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better person than you were before.

The Secret of Happiness

There is a wonderful fable about a young orphan girl who had no family and no one to love her. One day, feeling exceptionally sad and lonely, she was walking through a meadow when she noticed a small butterfly caught unmercifully (I rock at big words) in a thorn bush. The more the butterfly struggled to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its fragile body. (Analogy sound familiar to any of you?) The young orphan girl carefully released the butterfly from its captivity. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"For your wonderful kindness," the good fairy said to the girl, "I will grant you any wish you would like."

The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, "I want to be happy!" (would have been my choice too!)

The fairy said, "Very well," and leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the good fairy vanished.

As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her the secret of her happiness. She would only smile and answer, "The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl."

When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all rallied around her, afraid that her fabulous secret of happiness would die with her. "Tell us, please," they begged. "Tell us what the good fairy said." (I made a poem. Haha nevermind)

The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, "She told me that everyone, no matter how secure they semmed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me."

To rephrase the moral of the story: Smile, someone loves you!

To keep on the note of my spelling mistakes today, in 3 out of 4 instances here, I mispelled the word "butterfly" and I did it just now while writing this footnote...

Tuesday, September 03, 2002


"Relationships--of all kinds-- are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold on to some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the others person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost."
-Kaleel Jamison, The Nibble Theory

Exercise for the Brain

I like to read people's profiles. I learn all sorts of things that way. It's like my dad when he was a kid. No, I don't think they had the internet back then, but he used to read the encylopedia just because he got bored and he felt like learning something. Well, this is the same sort of thing. I get bored, and I think my brain needs exercise (to compete with all those push ups, ha...) so I read people's profiles. I have 182 people on my buddy list, and I doubt I've ever talked to more than 50 or 60 of them. On a regular basis, I'd say I talk to no more than 20 of them in any given week. None the less, I on average have 50 or 60 people online at any given time, and so I take the time to read profiles and away messages, gathering ideas for my own and just laughing in general.

I learn a lot about people's lives this way. It's sort of like eavesdropping for the soul. I learn about breakups and hookups, likes and dislikes, friends and enemies, who's gay, who's at college, cool websites, class schedules/grades, people's blogs, people's cell numbers (you really shouldn't put those in your away messages...), people's hobbies and interests. It teaches you a lot about people, and on top of that, it's fun because they're all different! And at least some get updated, so you always have something new to look at!

My favorite things people put in profiles are quotes from conversations they had earlier. For one, they're really funny, and for two, you learn a new person's screen name, and you get to play the fun guess who they are game until you learn enough about them from their own profile to put two and two together. It's because of this very game that I never put my name or anything truly give-away in my profile. Stalkers scare the crap out of me. I can put whatever I want in her because it already says my first and last name, and it's secret anyway, so who cares?

My favorite away messages are never "I'm at such-and-such so call my cell." Those are boring like nothing else. My favorite person's away messages are my 12 year old cousin, Chassie's. She has the largest variety of funny and off the wall away messages. In fact, I've stolen at least four from her becuase I liked them so much, and no one would know. Runner up for my favorite away messages have to be Ryan Acosta's (once again, someone on my buddy list whom I've never spoken to.) He's also very creative.

So here is a set of rules for the AIM profile business:
1. Thou shall (not will, not may) always change their profile at least once every other day, or else it's not worth looking at (same goes for blogs, btw)
2. Thou shall include quotes or funny antecdotes for my amusement
3. Thou shall include some profound quote or song lyrics or poem or analogy that pertains to their most troubling area of life (this is just good for the growing process, not for me)
4. Thou shall never, ever, for any reason write anything mean about another person in their profile.

And Then...

Days always get better. Believe it, trust it, rely on it to carry you through the bad. And remember: Smile, someone loves you.

Monday, September 02, 2002

Annoyingly Long Survey

Name: Ashley
Nicknames: um… Ashley
Where you named after anybody: nu uh
Girl/Boy: I’m a chick
Birth date: July 14
Location: Coppell
Age: 16
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5’’ something
Name 5 words to describe yourself: I am a fun person
Grade: Junior (that’s 11th, guys)
School: CHS
Mascot: Cowboys, yehaw
Nationality: White as snow
Hobbies: Band
How many siblings: Just Brent, he’s enough to handle
Parents names: Kelly and Russell
How many pets: 3 kitties, Sunny, KC and Flint
Have you ever moved/ where from and to: Here to NJ, back

DO YOU EVER WANNA DIE: eventually, yes
DO U HAVE A DIARY: indeed I do
ADVICE YOU CAN GIVE SOMEONE: La la la Live your life
EVER WISH UPON A STAR? tried, at least

<>This or That<>
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Pencil or pen: Pen
hug or kiss: Hug
TV or radio: day-radio, night-tv
Nsync or Backstreet Boys: Backstreet Boys
cd or tape: CD
phone or computer: hmm… both
sandals or shoes: Sandals
socks or no socks: crazy socks!
rose or lily: Tulip
popular or Gilmore Girls: Gilmore Girls
Southpark or Simpsons: Simpsons
Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew: Dr. Pepper
Strawberry or butter pecan: if you’re talking about syrup, maple all the way
Arbys or Rax: wth is rax?
orange or pink: tie
blue or red: yellow
Burger King OR MC DONALDS: Burger king
VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: hmm… chocolate chip cookie dough!

JOE: Big Joe from the cruise
JENNIFER: Gillings
JOHN: Bryan
SALLY: the church is on fire! :) good times
JORDAN: the kid in my German class that got kicked out of school, then Kretchmer
SARAH: Neill
JESSICA: Stewart with crazy socks!
Mark: plays soccer
RAY: the dad from that old show Sister, Sister
RACHEL: Pheobe
JANET: Jackson, but prettier

Do you have a bf/gf: no
How long have you been together: N/A
Do you have a crush: La
Name: La
How long have u liked this person: and La
First Kiss: In kindergarten, Joel, in real life, Tim
First crush: Stephen in 6th grade
Last bf/gf: Ryan
Do you still like them: you wanna ask that one again?
Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry: no, maybe some day
What was your worse breakup: Are you kidding?
What the first thing u notice about a girl/guy: smile
Turn on: not afraid to dress up
Turn off: stinky!
Have you ever fell in love w/a friend: that’s the only way to do it right, but no
Would you rather have a long term relationship or just date around: long term
Have you ever been in love: no
If love were a color it would be: hot pink
If love was a shape it would be: ordinary round circle

Best: Nick
Funniest: Jennifer
Prettiest: Malory
Cutest: Well, he’s not really my friend, but Keebs is so cute I just want to take one home!
Most likely to succeed: Martin
ditziest: Amy
Smartest: Becky
clumsy: Becky
gives the best advice: Boris
Hangs w/you the most: Nick
Best style: none of us have any style…
Best eyes: you!
Best smile: me!
Craziest: Lindsey

Song: Be My Yoko Ono or Country Rock Star
group/band: Barenaked Ladies, Rascal Flatts, Smash Mouth
cd: Maddening Crowd, Maybe you Should Drive, Rascal Flatts
movie: Eh…
beverage: Vanilla Dr. Pepper
Subject: APUSH!
store in the mall: Charlotte’s Room
radio station: 99.5 the Wolf
TV show: Whose Line is it Anyway, Gilmore Girls, SNL
flower: Tulip
book: Ella Enchanted
teacher: Mrs. Niles, Mr. Gray
tooth paste: Aquafresh
day of the week: Thursday and Friday
family member: Nana, Hannah, Aunt Jennifer
animal: cat or dog
holiday: I really don’t like holidays… if I had to chose, Valentines Day
sport: soccer
food: potatoes, popcorn
fast food: any kind!
color to wear: bright!
color: bright blue at the moment
shoes: all
number: 8 or 9
BOARD GAME: The game of life
HANG OUT: someone’s house
BOY BAND: umm… all the bands I like have guys… but I don’t think that counts
DISNEY MOVIE: Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid have the best songs
QUOTE: I hate you, I love you, hello and goodbye
THING TO DO ON A WEEKEND: hang out with buddies

(:)+< Questions(:)+<
Have you ever cheated on a test: 1st grade spelling test, I got caught
cut your own hair: quite frequently
skinny dipped: no
been on stage: thanks to band, yes
Stayed home on a Saturday: of course!
Streaked: no…
Toilet paper someone’s house/car: yup
Smoked weed: no!!
Been so drunk u puked: no!!
Had sex in a pool/rain/roof of someone’s car: say no to premarital sex!
Got in trouble w/the popo(cops): yeah…
For: well, we were in the van…
Went to a concert: uh huh
Who was in concert: singing people
Who'd yah go with: stadium full of people!
HAD SEX: say no to premarital sex!
BROKEN THE LAW: probably
BEEN CHEATED ON: I hope not…
LIED: ya

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

I don't like to clean my room. In fact, I downright hate it. It's not fun, and the finished product never seems to last long enough to be worth the hours of toiling effort it takes... I used to clean it once a week, when my parents made me, but it was ok because afterwards they would give me 12 dollars. If I spent all day Saturday cleaning but still didn't get it done (sounds impossible, but believe me, it happened plenty of times) I wouldn't get any money, and I had no allowance that week. It went in cycles, for weeks I would get 12 dollars, and then the next few weeks I wouldn't because if I didn't finish, then it was already dirty for the next week, and it just kept getting worse.

We've sort of abandoned that now. My dad never formally sat down and said "You don't get that anymore," but we just don't do it. But that also means I have no incentive to clean my room. I mean, it doesn't bother me, and I never have friends over, (at least not upstairs) so they don't mind. But it severley bugs my parents. Sometimes I'll clean it to be nice, sometimes because I'm bored, and sometimes because they say I can't leave the house until I do. Today I'm cleaning it for a different reason. I'm not bored, I have a ton of homework to do and Boris wants to play games on and I've been dying to go rollerblading... I'm not nice... I just haven't been very nice today or yesterday, especially to my parents. I'm not being threatened. In fact, I haven't talked to/seen my mom since early Sunday and my dad since Thursday night. Besides, where can I go without gas or money for gas?

No, I'm cleaning my room because I've found the connection between it's dirtiness and my level of stress. The two are directly proportional (a phrase I learned the REAL definiton of in my Chemistry reading today). When my room is clean, I tend to feel less stressed out, when I'm less stressed out, I don't grind and clench my teeth in my sleep, when I don't grind and clench my teeth in my sleep, I suffer less headaches throughout the day, and when I don't have a headache, I'm not as likely to less stress out.

So, as a last ditch effort to keep my level of stress down through the turmoil of marching season and the hard tri, I have vowed to keep my room clean. Not 100% dustfree, just tidy enough to keep me calm and happy. Everyone love a happy Ashley!

What I Want to Watch This Week

Tuesday 7PM WB
Gilmore Girls
Help Wanted
60 min.
Carole King, who sings the show's theme song, turns up in Stars Hollow in this clever installment from April.
King makes a guest appearance as Sophie Bloom, proprietor of Sophie's Choice Music, a new shop in town. Also setting up shop is Richard (Edward Herrmann), who starts an international insurance consulting firm called the Gilmore Group. To help her father out, Lorelai offers to organize the office while he is looking for a secretary. Richard comes to like Lorelai (Lauren Graham) being there and tries to prolong her stay, only to discover that she is anxious to leave. Babette: Sally Struthers.

Tuesday 8PM UPN
Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero
120 min.
“Where was God on Sept. 11?” Narrator Kathryn Walker poses that question (which is reflected on by some 30 observers) in this elegiac documentary, which also probes the nature of evil and of religion.

Wednesday 8PM ch 8
Drew Carey
Drew Carey's Back-to-School Rock 'N' Roll Comedy Hour
60 min.
An hourlong, back-to-school show spoofs health-ed films, teen dramas, cheerleaders and cartoons. Also: musical performances by Sugar Ray, Peter Frampton, Smashmouth, SheDaisy and Uncle Kracker. Other guests include Jenny McCarthy, Amanda Bynes, Nikki Vickers.

Thursday 7:30PM WB
Jamie Kennedy Experiment
30 min.
Included: Kennedy tries to trick the Laker Girls when he introduces them to a choreographer who has some weird dance moves for their halftime routine.

Thursday 8:00PM WB
Jamie Kennedy Experiment
30 min.
Included: Kennedy teams up with Olympic gold medalist Apollo Ohno; and “Cheers” actor George Wendt hosts a fictional game show.

Friday/Saturday 12AM ch 12
Drew Carey
Bananas II
30 min.
Conclusion. Lewis and Oswald's attempt to spring Drew from the psych ward leaves their frenzied friend with a Mimi-sized head injury. Hershlag: Harry Groener. Pete: Ben Bowden. Earl: Jim Zulevic. Bill: Benton Jennings. Kirby: Ron Geren.

Saturday 12:30AM WB
5th Wheel
30 min.
Game show in which two couples are set up on dates---then a spoiler is added to the mix.

Saturday 1AM WB
30 min.
Competition to win a date features four suitors, three of whom are eliminated.

Saturday 1:30AM WB
Change of Heart
30 min.
Couples with doubts about their futures together go on dates with other people, then have to decide whether they've had a `change of heart' and want to remain with their original mates.

Saturday 2AM WB
Mad TV
60 min.
Featured sketches: "Vancome at the Oscars" with Nicole Sullivan's saucy saleslady handling pre-show celebrity interviews; the UBS guy (Phil LaMarr) at the dentist; and "Spice Girls Audition." Regulars include Alex Borstein, Debra Wilson, Lisa Kushell, Pat Kilbane.

Saturday 2PM ch 12
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
93 min.
Live-action adventure with the "heroes on the half shell" battling crime in New York. April: Judith Hoag. Casey: Elias Koteas. Raphael: Josh Pais. Michelangelo: Michelan Sisti. Donatello: Leif Tilden. Leonardo: David Forman. Danny: Michael Turney. Charles: Jay Patterson. Chief Sterns: Raymond Gerra. The Shredder: James Saito.

Saturday 6PM ch 12
Camp Nowhere
96 min.
Farce about rebellious adolescents who enlist a teacher (Christopher Lloyd) to create a fantasy summer getaway. Morris: Jonathan Jackson. Celeste: Wendy Makkena. Lt. Hendricks: Tom Wilson. Zack: Andrew Keegan. Trish: Marne Patterson. Norris: Ray Baker.

Saturday 8PM ch 4
America's Most Wanted
60 min.
Cases include a teenager who escaped her abductor, who was subsequently linked to three unsolved murders; the ambush-murder of two sheriff's deputies trying to serve a warrant to put a suspect in psychiatric care; and a triple murder believed to stem from a broken romance. Host: John Walsh.

Saturday 9PM ch 4
Meet My Folks
The Blankenships
60 min.
During a weekend spent at her home, a professional boxer, a college student and a construction-company worker vie to take a football coach's daughter to Hawaii. Among the “challenges” is a lie-detector test.

Saturday 10:30PM ch 5
Saturday Night Live
Gwyneth Paltrow; Ryan Adams
90 min.
Gwyneth Paltrow; Ryan Adams. Cast members include Rachel Dratch, Dean Edwards, Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Ana Gasteyer, Darrell Hammond, Chris Kattan, Seth Meyers, Tracy Morgan, Amy Poehler, Jeff Richards, Maya Rudolph and Horatio Sanz.

Saturday/Sunday 12AM ch 4
Leonard Betts
60 min.
After a decapitated body disappears from a morgue, evidence points to an impossible conclusion---that it left under its own power. And indeed, the victim's partner finds him intact---and alive. Betts: Paul McCrane. Elaine Tanner: Marjorie Lovett. Michele: Jennifer Clement.

Sunday 1AM ch 5
Saturday Night Live
90 min.
The durable variety series that revolutionized TV in the 1970s with edgy sketch comedy, hip musical acts and an exciting troupe of `Not Ready for Prime Time Players' who used the show as a springboard to stardom. The show premiered on NBC on Oct. 11, 1975.

Sunday 2PM WB
101 min.
Clive Barker tale about a grad student (Virginia Madsen) on the trail of a ghoul (Tony Todd). Trevor: Xander Berkeley. Bernadette: Kasi Lemmons. Anne-Marie: Vanessa Williams. Jake: DeJuan Guy. Purcell: Michael Culkin. Dr. Burke: Stanley De Santis. Directed by Bernard Rose.

Sunday 4PM WB*
Child's Play
87 min.
A killer's spirit lives on in a child's doll. Catherine Hicks. Mike: Chris Sarandon. Andy: Alex Vincent. Charles: Brad Dourif. Maggie: Dinah Manoff. Jack: Tommy Swerdlow. Dr. Ardmore: Jack Colvin. Directed by Tom Holland.

Sunday 4PM ch 12*
Children of the Corn: The Gathering
85 min.
A coed (Naomi Watts) returns to her home to find children being controlled by a mysterious youth. Karen Black, Brent Jennings, Jaime Renee Smith, William Windom. Greg Spence directed.

*Hard choice ^

Sunday 6PM ch 8
Now and Then
96 min.
Portrait of four childhood friends who reunite as adults when one of them prepares to give birth. Demi Moore, Rosie O'Donnell. Christina: Rita Wilson. Tina: Melanie Griffith. Young Roberta: Christina Ricci.

Sunday 8PM ch 8
My Best Friend's Wedding
105 min.
This 1997 comedy hit pivots on a dazzling performance by Julia Roberts.
Roberts plays Julianne Potter, a cynical food critic who's floored when her best friend, Michael (Dermot Mulroney), announces his impending nuptials. Julianne suddenly realizes she's in love with him and vows to break up the engagement. “It's my whole life's happiness [at stake]. I've got to be ruthless,” she declares, enlisting the aid of her editor pal George (the delightfully arch Rupert Everett). But Michael's “annoyingly perfect” fiancée (Cameron Diaz) is also lucky---and continually emerges unscathed from the traps set for her. The film earned an Oscar nomination for Best Original Musical/Comedy Score.

Sunday, September 01, 2002

My Oath

If I Am, Nine Days

So you're standing on a ledge,
It looks like you might fall
So far down
Or maybe you were thinking about jumping

Now you could have it all
If you learned a little patience
For though I cannot fly,
I'm not content to crawl
So give me a little credit
Have in me a little faith
I want to be with you forever
If tomorrow's not too late...

But it's always too late when you've got nothing
So you say...
But you should never let the sun set on tomorrow
Before the sun rises today

If I am
Another waste of everything you dreamed of
I will let you down...
If I am
Only here to watch you as you suffer
I will let you down...

So you're walking on the edge
You wait your turn to fall
But you're so far gone
You don't see the hands upheld to catch you...
And you could find the fault
In the heart that you've been handed
For though you cannot fly
You're not content to crawl

So youre standing on a ledge
It looks like you might fall...
The answers that we find
Are never what we had in mind
So we make it up as we go along...
You don't talk of dreams
I won't mention tomorrow
And we won't make promises that we can't keep...

I will never leave you
I will not let you down...
I will never leave you
I will not let you down.


Whoever invented blackmailing people was sooo smart. I mean, dude, it's so easy, and so fun, right? And it just about always works, if you know the right things! So for me, here's a list of the three smartest people in the whole universe! (Btw, I don't know a single one of their names...)

1. The guy who invented plastic
2. The guy who invented blackmailing people
3. The guy who invented you!
4. The guy who invented velcro (I know, that's four, but he's smart too!)


Do you guys remember trolls? Those freakish wild haired freaks with gems for belly buttons and weird looking clothes...? Really, why did people like those? I'm not saying I didn't like them, I had a ton. Yet they were the coolest craze... I bet it was just some high profile personality said they were cute, so everyone had to have one all of the sudden. Famous people are always doing stuff like that. Wasting our money... What if you were poor and you spent your last few bucks on a troll because they were cool, but then when you got home you figured out they weren't cool afterall... Boy, you'd feel stupid then... Not only could you not afford to eat, but now you have to deal with a stupid troll with obnoxious hair.