Thursday, September 05, 2002

About Nick (and bathrooms)

Nick is my friend.
I like him very much.
We talk until the end,
Of our class APUSH.


Until today I always thought there were too many bathrooms in our school. Well, not bathrooms I guess, but bathroom stalls. There's so many! And most of them are unuseable because the lock is broken or they're clogged or they're out of toilet paper. But then today, I really had to go to the bathroom, so I hurried on my way to 5th period... and every single stall was taken. It was quite and event. Not only that, but there was a line!! A line at school to use the bathroom!! I had to wait to go until later, so I am going to blame my poor test score on my lack of concentration due to the unavailability of bathroom stalls. Then maybe I'll sue the school. The end.


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