Horoscopes and Fortunes
Horoscopes and Fortunes are stupid. I mean really, the horoscope I got today from my Bazooka Bubble Gum says "Who wants to look like a million bucks? They're all green and wrinkled!" Let me start with this not even being a fortune! It's just a sad attempt at a joke! A really, really bad joke! Secondly, if I relied on bubble gum to tell me what my life was going to be like, I'd be a seriously screwed up person.
And horoscopes... come on people you can't rely on those things. They're fun when they work out, but you shouldn't plan your day in accordance to them. If your horoscope said you shouldn't interact with people tomorrow, would you stay home from school? If so you seriously need help! Really! They're just written by weirdos who only wish their own lives were as exciting as the ones they predict.
I mean this stuff is borderline psychic hotline crazy. If you had to pay money to read horoscopes or fortunes, I bet you wouldn't. And why not? Because it's not neccessary! And it doesn't ever make any sense! In conclusion, horoscopes and fortunes are worthless. Ashley is not!
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