Monday, March 31, 2003

Once upon a time, Ashley used to update her blog fairly frequently. Sometimes even more than once a day. But then she got bored. And when she wasn't too bored to post, she was too busy. So, while she doesn't have new entries up, Dave does, and is very well supplied with laugh out loud links (alliteration). Ashley implores (SAT word) you to check out Dave's blog.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003


The Basics (Everyone knows them, but they keep asking)

[1.First Name:] Ashley
[2.Middle Name:] Rene’
[3.Last Name:] hmm… who all reads this anyway?
[4.Nicknames:] umm…
[5.Birthday:] July
[6.How old would that make you?] 16
[7.Star Sign:] Cancer

More Intimate (Just some more basic questions…only in detail)

[8.Righty or Lefty?] Righty
[9.Hair Color:] Brown and fixed by Debra
[10.Preferred Hair Color:] well. Brown?
[11.Eye Color:] Brown
[12.Preferred Eye Color:] Light brown
[13.What would you be wearing right now?] My oompah pride shirt. “Is Coppell’s mascot an Oompah?” Lol.
[14.What jewelry are you wearing, if any?] That ring and that necklace that I always wear

This or That (Everybody just LOVES this section…don’t you?)

[15.Coke or Pepsi:] Dr Pepper with no period after the Dr
[16.Cake or Pie:] Cookies
[17.Popcorn or Chips:] Hah. Can’t chose. Wow. I really can’t.
[18.Theatre or Home:] Um. If parents aren’t here, then this is the place to be.
[19.Pants or Shorts:] Shorts!
[20.Phone or AIM/AOL:] Depends on the person
[21.Sneakers or Boots:] Sneakers
[22.Pudding or Jell-O:] Pudding
[23.Winter or Summer:] Summer
[24.Ski or Board:] ::whispers:: never been
[25.Chocolate Milk or White Milk:] Chocolate milk
[26.Silver or Gold:] Silver. Well, white gold. Doesn’t tarnish!
[27.Cows or Pigs:] Cows

Favorites (Is this your favorite section? It’s mine.)

[28.Color:] Hmm… pink I think
[29.Number:] 27 seems to be pretty lucky, right?
[30.Time of the day:] Lunch or early afternoon
[31.Day of the week:] Laaazy Sunday
[32.Month of the year:] July this year, since its our first full month off
[33.Scent:] Wow. Not Jovan. Anything but.
[34.Taste:] Fun Dip
[35.Flavor of pudding:] French Vanilla
[36.Flavor of Jell-O:] Blue
[37.Flavor of Ice Cream:] Chocolate chip cookie dough. Except that ice cream of the future stuff. Then its peanut butter.
[38.Kind of Cake:] Chocolate, vanilla icing, and sprinkles
[39.Kind of Pie:] Double chocolate pudding and pumpkin
[40.Beverage:] Vanilla coke and root beer
[41.T-Shirt:] Captain Underpants!

Relationships (Friends...and more)

[42.Do you have friends?] Yup
[43.I would sure hope so. How many?] A bunch
[44.Who's the one you secretly hate?] Yikes. My mom. No, that’s almost-hate. Umm. I can’t think of him right now.
[45.Who's the one you would die without?] Wow. Nick.
[46.Who's gonna be pissed you sent them this?] Not Applicable
[47.Who won't give a rats bum?] Not Applicable
[48.Have a crush? Who?] No
[49.Have you ever had a bf/gf before?] Yeah
[50.Were they good in bed? Only kidding. Were they good bf/gf material?] Yeah, some
[51.How many gf/bf's have you had?] a few
[52.Who was the best one?] Nick
[53.Do you have a bf/gf now?] Yeah
[54.Tell me their name:] Nick (this is getting repetitive?)
[55.What is your current view on the relationship?] :)
[56.What needs work?] I think we’re a little behind in our SAT vocab.
[57.What's perfect?] You mean besides me? JK. He can sing
[58.Tell me...oh I don't know, 5 nice things about your gf/bf:] He can sing, he has pretty hair, he's good at talking on the phone, he likes WIll and Grace, he likes dogs.

Guys/Girls Section

[59.Tall or Short?] Taller than me, but not much
[60.Brunette or Blonde? (by the way, blondes are becoming extinct...)] I don’t understand your comment, but brunette
[61.Long or short hair?] Short hair is bad.
[62.Make-up?] Oh no, no, no, no, no. No.
[63.Short or long nails?] Short
[64.Jewelry or no?] A ring are ok, but only one.
[65.Tan or fair?] hmm. Tan, but I’ve never pondered this before.
[66.Freckles?] Unless they’re dreadfully abundant, I guess they wouldn’t hurt.
[67.Inside chick or outdoor chick?] I’m not really a lesbian….
[68.Shy or outgoing?] On a scale, I’d lean more toward shy, but still in the middle
[69. Ok guys, you think this number is funny. Don't you? You sick little pervert.] That’s pretty sick
[70.Innocent girl or Naughty girl?] If I was a guy, I’d say innocent.
[71.Do you like taking lead in the relationship?] No thanks, you can wear the pants.
[72.Do you prefer to make the first move at all times?] No thanks again.
[73.Boxer or Briefs?] Hmm. Boxers.
[74.Short or long hair?] I… already answered.
[75.Tall or short?] I… already answered.
[76.Muscles or Regular guy?] Regular
[77.Naughty or Nice guy?] Nice
[78.Do you want a Romantic Guy?] Yeah
[79.Are hats ok?] Eh, hair is better.
[80.Piercings?] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No.
[81.Do you like Dimples?] Yeah, maybe small ones.
[82.How about Freckles?] But I already answered this one too…
[83.Cutie or macho man?] Cutie
[84.Dark or Light eyes?] Light
[85.Tan or Fair?] I already answered!!
[86.Jewelry or none?] Stupid repitition
[87.Indoor guy or outdoor guy?] Indoor
[88.Shy or outgoing?] There aren’t really 100 questions if you just repeat them all.
[89.Do you like to take lead in the relationship?] NO! And I already said so!
[90.Do you like to make the first move?] Ahhh

The Random Section (Just trying to add more questions)

[91.What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?] I could think of quite a few things.
[92.What's the most embarassing thing you have ever done?] Once or twice the cops came…
[93.What's the nicest thing you have ever done?] Once this kid was sick and I got to the Sidekicks game late so that I could bring him Fun Dip and a card.
[94.How do you get to school?] Drive and park far away
[95.What do you eat for breakfast?] Breakfast is for pansies
[96.What do you sleep in?] My bed.
[97.What color are your bedroom walls?] Yellow. And blue.
[98.How about your sheets?] Yellow and blue plaid.
[99.How many people have been with you in between those sheets?] Yuck
[100.Wasn't this a fun survey?] Hmm… Minus the repetition.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003


I went to the Krispy Kreme store for fun, and that's exactly what it was: fun. Plus they give you a free donut right off the line just for going inside. And that's a nice thing to do.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Cajuns Don't Exist!

Just a note to all you stupid people out there who think cajuns exist:

LaZy PaNdA 49 (2:59:57 PM): psychics arent real though!!
Energetic56 (3:00:03 PM): no
Energetic56 (3:00:05 PM): neither are cajuns
LaZy PaNdA 49 (3:00:10 PM): lol
LaZy PaNdA 49 (3:00:15 PM): i lived in louisiana
LaZy PaNdA 49 (3:00:19 PM): for 1 and 1/2 years
Energetic56 (3:00:30 PM): and you never saw a cajun!
Energetic56 (3:00:32 PM): i knew it!
LaZy PaNdA 49 (3:00:41 PM): yup!!
LaZy PaNdA 49 (3:00:55 PM): we ate a lot of crawfish though
LaZy PaNdA 49 (3:00:56 PM): those are good

P.S. I win!

Saturday, March 15, 2003

My Neighborhood

I like my neighborhood, and I don't want to move.

Things I like about my neighborhood that my new one doesn't have to offer:
1. We've got a bunch of ducks. They eat bird food and take forever to cross the street. Harry and Lulu are my favorite couple, the ones that hang out in my front yard and a few years ago tragically lost both children by laying their eggs in the wrong place...
2. There's a little girl who lives a few doors down from Jennifer and she has the coolest bike. Not only that, but she's gonna grow up and me an actress or something, judging by the costumes she wears every day. I'll miss driving by her house seeing her as a cowboy, or a ballerina or a cat....
3. My cats are allowed in my front yard now, cus what's going to happen to them. But if we live by the spur, that's going to be a bit scarier...
4. I live right by the park/lake/baseball fields/aquatic center and I can just go for a walk or go swing on the swings whenever I feel like it, no car required (in actuality, the new place has a playground, but it's swing-less and what kind of a playground is that?)
5. Well that's all I have but those are really big reasons so yeah.

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Story Time!

OK, you guys know my car. It's white, the windows always break, I always have the best CDs in it, and when I lock it it makes that beep noise. So get this: there's this bird in my neighborhood, a mockingbird most likely, and everytime I lock my car, it MOCKS it! Beep. CHIRP! haha ok.

Saturday, March 08, 2003


This is another entry sparked by that little round window that I look through when I brush my teeth in the morning. Man, what happens when I move and I don't have that window anymore?! Anyway, this morning, I was looking through that window and I saw... nothing but houses. Well, silly, that's because it's Saturday! What this blog is about only takes place on working days-Monday through Friday.

There are two houses behind me that I can see from the window. One is the Higgins' house, that I've been in becuase I used to be friends with Shannon and some of you might know the Higgins' because Mrs Higgins used to be a really mean substitute in the district. The other house I don't know much about... I know that they don't do yard work very often and it shows, that their garage is very cluttered...I know I used to throw snowballs at their garage door when I was a kid from my fort. I know once I told someone that they were muderers and I knew because they wrote it all over the side of their van in blood. And I know they don't have any kids in the house, but they have at least one who goes to Baylor, because of a bumper sticker.

I also know that at preciesly 7:30 AM on Monday through Friday, the husband and wife walk into the garage, the wife gets in the car, puts her briefcase thingy in the passenger seat, and the husband stands there in the garage wearing his robe and waves at her until she's out of sight, then goes back in the house and shuts the garage.

The first few times I saw this, I thought nothing of it. But the more I see it, the more it alarms me. I'm sure you all have seen some sitcom, be it I Love Lucy, or Everybody Loves Raymond or SOMETHING that has an episode about the main couple getting in a rut of routine and trying to get out of it. Watching those TV shows never much scared me... cus it's just a TV show. But now I've seen real living proof. For years I've had this proof right here in front of me and I've done nothing about it!

So here it is: My warning to the world. DO NOT let yourself grow up and be like these mysterious people! Don't get married and sucked into a simple routine that leaves you both unfulfilled and wanting more. Do your yardwork! Don't write that you're a murderer on the side of your minivan in blood! Take your wife to a bed n breakfast once in a while! Spontaneity is a virtue!!

Saturday, March 01, 2003

This Song is the Bomb

Sing to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It"

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think someone has dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

It's "pre-emptive non-aggression", bomb Iraq.
Let's prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's good enough for me
'Cos it'all the proof I need
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
(And he tried to kill your dad),
Bomb Iraq.

If your corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.

Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We'll call it treason,
Let's make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.