Wednesday, March 19, 2003


The Basics (Everyone knows them, but they keep asking)

[1.First Name:] Ashley
[2.Middle Name:] Rene’
[3.Last Name:] hmm… who all reads this anyway?
[4.Nicknames:] umm…
[5.Birthday:] July
[6.How old would that make you?] 16
[7.Star Sign:] Cancer

More Intimate (Just some more basic questions…only in detail)

[8.Righty or Lefty?] Righty
[9.Hair Color:] Brown and fixed by Debra
[10.Preferred Hair Color:] well. Brown?
[11.Eye Color:] Brown
[12.Preferred Eye Color:] Light brown
[13.What would you be wearing right now?] My oompah pride shirt. “Is Coppell’s mascot an Oompah?” Lol.
[14.What jewelry are you wearing, if any?] That ring and that necklace that I always wear

This or That (Everybody just LOVES this section…don’t you?)

[15.Coke or Pepsi:] Dr Pepper with no period after the Dr
[16.Cake or Pie:] Cookies
[17.Popcorn or Chips:] Hah. Can’t chose. Wow. I really can’t.
[18.Theatre or Home:] Um. If parents aren’t here, then this is the place to be.
[19.Pants or Shorts:] Shorts!
[20.Phone or AIM/AOL:] Depends on the person
[21.Sneakers or Boots:] Sneakers
[22.Pudding or Jell-O:] Pudding
[23.Winter or Summer:] Summer
[24.Ski or Board:] ::whispers:: never been
[25.Chocolate Milk or White Milk:] Chocolate milk
[26.Silver or Gold:] Silver. Well, white gold. Doesn’t tarnish!
[27.Cows or Pigs:] Cows

Favorites (Is this your favorite section? It’s mine.)

[28.Color:] Hmm… pink I think
[29.Number:] 27 seems to be pretty lucky, right?
[30.Time of the day:] Lunch or early afternoon
[31.Day of the week:] Laaazy Sunday
[32.Month of the year:] July this year, since its our first full month off
[33.Scent:] Wow. Not Jovan. Anything but.
[34.Taste:] Fun Dip
[35.Flavor of pudding:] French Vanilla
[36.Flavor of Jell-O:] Blue
[37.Flavor of Ice Cream:] Chocolate chip cookie dough. Except that ice cream of the future stuff. Then its peanut butter.
[38.Kind of Cake:] Chocolate, vanilla icing, and sprinkles
[39.Kind of Pie:] Double chocolate pudding and pumpkin
[40.Beverage:] Vanilla coke and root beer
[41.T-Shirt:] Captain Underpants!

Relationships (Friends...and more)

[42.Do you have friends?] Yup
[43.I would sure hope so. How many?] A bunch
[44.Who's the one you secretly hate?] Yikes. My mom. No, that’s almost-hate. Umm. I can’t think of him right now.
[45.Who's the one you would die without?] Wow. Nick.
[46.Who's gonna be pissed you sent them this?] Not Applicable
[47.Who won't give a rats bum?] Not Applicable
[48.Have a crush? Who?] No
[49.Have you ever had a bf/gf before?] Yeah
[50.Were they good in bed? Only kidding. Were they good bf/gf material?] Yeah, some
[51.How many gf/bf's have you had?] a few
[52.Who was the best one?] Nick
[53.Do you have a bf/gf now?] Yeah
[54.Tell me their name:] Nick (this is getting repetitive?)
[55.What is your current view on the relationship?] :)
[56.What needs work?] I think we’re a little behind in our SAT vocab.
[57.What's perfect?] You mean besides me? JK. He can sing
[58.Tell me...oh I don't know, 5 nice things about your gf/bf:] He can sing, he has pretty hair, he's good at talking on the phone, he likes WIll and Grace, he likes dogs.

Guys/Girls Section

[59.Tall or Short?] Taller than me, but not much
[60.Brunette or Blonde? (by the way, blondes are becoming extinct...)] I don’t understand your comment, but brunette
[61.Long or short hair?] Short hair is bad.
[62.Make-up?] Oh no, no, no, no, no. No.
[63.Short or long nails?] Short
[64.Jewelry or no?] A ring are ok, but only one.
[65.Tan or fair?] hmm. Tan, but I’ve never pondered this before.
[66.Freckles?] Unless they’re dreadfully abundant, I guess they wouldn’t hurt.
[67.Inside chick or outdoor chick?] I’m not really a lesbian….
[68.Shy or outgoing?] On a scale, I’d lean more toward shy, but still in the middle
[69. Ok guys, you think this number is funny. Don't you? You sick little pervert.] That’s pretty sick
[70.Innocent girl or Naughty girl?] If I was a guy, I’d say innocent.
[71.Do you like taking lead in the relationship?] No thanks, you can wear the pants.
[72.Do you prefer to make the first move at all times?] No thanks again.
[73.Boxer or Briefs?] Hmm. Boxers.
[74.Short or long hair?] I… already answered.
[75.Tall or short?] I… already answered.
[76.Muscles or Regular guy?] Regular
[77.Naughty or Nice guy?] Nice
[78.Do you want a Romantic Guy?] Yeah
[79.Are hats ok?] Eh, hair is better.
[80.Piercings?] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No.
[81.Do you like Dimples?] Yeah, maybe small ones.
[82.How about Freckles?] But I already answered this one too…
[83.Cutie or macho man?] Cutie
[84.Dark or Light eyes?] Light
[85.Tan or Fair?] I already answered!!
[86.Jewelry or none?] Stupid repitition
[87.Indoor guy or outdoor guy?] Indoor
[88.Shy or outgoing?] There aren’t really 100 questions if you just repeat them all.
[89.Do you like to take lead in the relationship?] NO! And I already said so!
[90.Do you like to make the first move?] Ahhh

The Random Section (Just trying to add more questions)

[91.What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?] I could think of quite a few things.
[92.What's the most embarassing thing you have ever done?] Once or twice the cops came…
[93.What's the nicest thing you have ever done?] Once this kid was sick and I got to the Sidekicks game late so that I could bring him Fun Dip and a card.
[94.How do you get to school?] Drive and park far away
[95.What do you eat for breakfast?] Breakfast is for pansies
[96.What do you sleep in?] My bed.
[97.What color are your bedroom walls?] Yellow. And blue.
[98.How about your sheets?] Yellow and blue plaid.
[99.How many people have been with you in between those sheets?] Yuck
[100.Wasn't this a fun survey?] Hmm… Minus the repetition.


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