My Neighborhood
I like my neighborhood, and I don't want to move.
Things I like about my neighborhood that my new one doesn't have to offer:
1. We've got a bunch of ducks. They eat bird food and take forever to cross the street. Harry and Lulu are my favorite couple, the ones that hang out in my front yard and a few years ago tragically lost both children by laying their eggs in the wrong place...
2. There's a little girl who lives a few doors down from Jennifer and she has the coolest bike. Not only that, but she's gonna grow up and me an actress or something, judging by the costumes she wears every day. I'll miss driving by her house seeing her as a cowboy, or a ballerina or a cat....
3. My cats are allowed in my front yard now, cus what's going to happen to them. But if we live by the spur, that's going to be a bit scarier...
4. I live right by the park/lake/baseball fields/aquatic center and I can just go for a walk or go swing on the swings whenever I feel like it, no car required (in actuality, the new place has a playground, but it's swing-less and what kind of a playground is that?)
5. Well that's all I have but those are really big reasons so yeah.
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