Sunday, November 21, 2004

Marriage According to the Commies

My search for an answer to this marriage question has brought me to some very interesting information!

According to the communists, "The contemporary marriage system had originated as an institution of private property about the same time private property in land and goods had originated. It developed in order to ensure that a man's property would be handed on to his sons. The only way this could be done was to endow the sons of one woman with a particular legal status. This did not limit the man's relationship with other women; it supposedly limited the wife's relationship with other men." Yeah...

But don't worry folks, Karl Marx says that after the communist revolution, there will only be true monogamous marriage.

Um, not so much. According to the Statistical Yearbook of Moscow, divorce rates have been steadily climbing since they first started counting (1950) from 0.5 per thousand to 4.0 per thousand by the time of the fall of the communist party. Sorry Karl. You were right about economics, though!

So it turns out capitalism and marriage aren't linked, after all!


At November 22, 2004 at 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i get to see you wed!
arnt you excited!
i miss you chicka!
love ya


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