Tuesday, July 13, 2004

What if just one thing about your life was different? It could change everything! Remember those chose your own adventure books? Yeah. Just like that. Or the Family Guy or Butterfly Effect. Changing one thing about your life could change everything. I think that's amazing.

I think that's why I believe in fate. To a certain degree. I don't think every little thing is planned out to happen. Like me watching tv right now. I don't think that has to do with anything. But me having a tv? That's bigger. Heh.

Just think, what if your mom had grown up in a different neighborhood. She would have been friends with a different set of people, which would have turned her into a different kind of person with different tastes, so she probably never would have met your dad, so you would be completely different! If you're here at all.

What if you didn't have that scar you got from falling at Sea World when you were 6, so you never would have started that conversation with the one kid, that ends up being your best friend 10 years later? All these little things... How can you not believe in fate? I like to believe in it.

Even the things that don't work out happen for a reason. For instance, who stays with their first ever boyfriend (well, besides my parents...)? But that first boyfriend is important (or girlfriend, if that's your thing... but for me and most of my friends, it's boyfriends) because they teach you things, like how to get over stuff, and how to deal with being less selfish and giving to others and compromise. I think it's important that some kids have lots of brothers and sisters (like the Brady Bunch) and that some people are only children. Plus, do you really think that long seperated twins like Tia and Tamera Mowry could ever find each other randomly? Exactly.

Fate rocks.


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