I slept soo well last night. Which I think is odd. I suppose I got home from work about 10:30, then I worked on my English project until about 12:30 when I realized, thanks to Diana, just how late it really was. So I put the project on a disk and crawled into bed. Said my prayers, curled up with a cat, and fell asleep pretty fast. Then I woke up very comfortable this morning about 6:30. I wasn't tired at all. I stayed in bed because it was so warm and soft and nice, and finally got up around 7:30.
I wonder if having good dreams makes me better rested. I suppose normally I have pretty bad dreams, whenever I can remember them, that is. Last night I had 2 or 3 really really good dreams. I woke up smiling, you know? I think maybe them being such good dreams let me sleep better. Or maybe its just that bad dreams make me sleep crappy, so when I have good dreams it feels so much better. But the point of the story is, I wasn't tired at all today. I didn't nap at school at all today. And I only got 5 or 6 hours asleep. If you know me, you know that's not enough.
I also have some words of wisdom for underclassment: Do not be scared of teachers. It took me until a few weeks ago to realize how much I can actually get away with. When was the last time you saw anyone wearing a lanyard? When was the last time you got a detention for eating in class? When was the last time you got you cell phone taken up? When was the last time you even heard about anyone getting caught leaving by Lopez?
*These things are in addition to your normal sleeping in class, running through the hallways sort of things*
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