Today seemed very long. But at the same time it doesn't feel like 10:30 yet. Maybe 8. Do you hear that clock? Presto Change-o! Or not. Anyhow, I woke up, then the fab four did basically the same plan as Friday, except this time it worked. And, I suppose, since we were pretending it was Friday, we even went there to eat. Our waitress wasn't pretty, but she got the check to us right away when we asked. The movie was alright. There wasn't anything bad about it I guess, but I wasn't exactly in the mood for it. I hadn't read anything about it and I didn't know what it was about before we went. I thought it was a comedy.
Then Baskin Robbins. Many flavors. But the wrong people were working, so it wasn't free. My dad always groans when I tell him what I got/gave free that day. He always tells me to remind him that when he gets older and opens his own business to never ever ever hire teenagers because we give away too much stuff. He's right though. But I don't care, I'll enjoy my free stuff as long as I can. Just like I'll enjoy eating my kid's meals at restauraunts as long as I can. And YOU can't stop me.
Then home. And homework. Blech. School tomorrow. Blech. I wish there were more long weekends like this. I'm glad next week is a 4 day week (though it looks like it shall be very full, with band every day...) and the week after that is a 4 day week. Short weeks make me mucho happy. Where is my family?
My stuff and stuff
La la la la la la la leave me funky messages so I know you care.
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