I don't eat much, I know. But when I do, it's usually chips, or chicken with a lot of salt on it. I've never been too big of a fan of sweet foods, except in moderation. Well. For two days I've had this cut on the inside of my mouth. I don't know how it got there; not the slightest idea,but I know that you can't put salt on cuts because it BURNS!! And so now I'm starving myself to death slowly...
P.S. Online homework checks are bad. Here is a list why.
1) You can answer only one question at a time, and you can't go back to any of the others. No checking your work when you're done, or figuring it out once you get to the end.
2) You have a time limit.
3) You have to do it all in one sitting.
4) If, for instance, you log on to blackboard, click the quiz button and your computer freezes, you can't take the quiz. If you restart your computer and go back and try to take it, it will say you already completed it. Zero.
5) Ditto if you get an IM and click the link, and it takes you to a new site in the browser you're already taking your quiz in. You can't finish.
6) If you hit refresh or use the back button on your browser, it also thinks you're dumb.
So, who is really dumb? Blackboard, for be such a user unfriendly site? Or my teacher, for be such a grade unfriendly guy?
The cool part: After you finish, if you get that far that is, it tells you the real answer and compares it to your answer. It also tells you your grade, which takes some teachers weeks to figure out *cough*CHALLENGE*cough* And it automatically puts all of your grades in the "Grades" tab of blackboard that I always thought was only there to humor me. Then I'll know my daily grade average, at least, any time I sign on.
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