Sunday, July 27, 2003

Untitled, Part II

I have an ammendment to my last update.

This morning I recieved a call from Nana, who I asked yesterday about the hair thing. She said "Ashley. I just wanted you to know that I went to church this morning, and it was a very good sermon. But I didn't hear much of it because I was too busy noticing who had short hair and who had long hair."

Appearantly, our conversation last night had such a lasting impression on her, that it bothered her even this morning, so she called to tell me that she decided, based on the results of this morning's analysis, that I need to cut my hair off by age 45. Granted, some women will cut their hair sooner or later than that, but 45 seems to be the average for when they cut their hair off, and I need to be in the transitional stage by 40.

I hope these findings will have as profound an effect on you who read this as it did on my grandmother, who couldn't even pay attention in church.


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