Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Woo it's the Weekly Five!!

P.S. I stole these questions from another blog, where they were stolen from another blog, where it was called the Friday Five, and I was going to call them that here, but then I realized I never ever ever update my blog on Fridays because, hey, football games. So we'll just call it the Weekly Five. Maddness Monday will be fun though!

Gimme a Head With Hair

1. What shampoo do you use?
Hmm... I use whatever I have... every once in a while Mom buys me some... it's this fast dry stuff... not that it makes your hair dry any faster, but usually I just use the shampoo I steal from hotels when I go on vacation because that's fun and then you get to use different shampoo like twice a month, and hey, change is good.

2. Do you use conditioner?
Umm... not really. Late summer I do, but then I always run out. Shampoo is much more abundant in hotel rooms than conditioner.

3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
A few weeks ago.. I'm on a schedule... I go very regularly! I love my Debra... she knows more about me than I do since she's been cutting my hair since i was too little for the chair... She still has that booster seat she bought especially for me because I'm the only kid's hair she ever cut. Man, I could write a whole other blog on this lady... Maybe I will!

4. What styling products do you use?
Hmm... these hair questions are getting kind of.. personal... and boring. My point is, if I actually bothered to go check, then I told you, would you even care enough to comprehend what you're reading? Ya I bet I'll get a comment proving me wrong on this one, too.

5. What's your worst hair-related experience?
Umm... I used to have really short hair when I was really really little, and my mom always put it up in a little half ponytail way on top of my head and I looked like a retard. Oh and I used to light it on fire. Ask Jennifer Gillings about my pyromania... I bet you'll hear some good stories...


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