Thursday, October 24, 2002


Dude, this site is so cool it deserves its own blog entry. Take this quiz to find out which movement of Enigma Variations you are most like:

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Sagu rocks more than you

I rock at making poems.

Anyway, Sagu is the best goalkeeper ever. Even if he wasn't the best at blocking and everything (which he is, check out his stats at ) he's the best because of his persistance and smartness and he's goodness. He gets so into it, which is a trait you rarely see in soccer players anymore. I admit, he does tend to overdo it sometimes, but he's just so good... I'll forgive him! And I love how he never gets hurt. Well, he gets hurt cus he's a goalie and people smash into him all the time, but he's never missed a game. Maybe once a season or so he'll get hurt really bad and miss a quarter, but that's it. He always comes back. One time this guy slammed him into the corner of the goal, and he split his head open, but he was back after half time with 8 stitches. It was amazing, and we won the game because of him. Every time we win it's because of him. Sagu is living proof that a leader makes or breaks the team. We should have a little more Sagu and a little less Tatu. Again, this corresponds to Coppell. I don't know who the Coppell Sagu is, though. We may not have one. He's a rare treasure.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Woo it's the Weekly Five!!

P.S. I stole these questions from another blog, where they were stolen from another blog, where it was called the Friday Five, and I was going to call them that here, but then I realized I never ever ever update my blog on Fridays because, hey, football games. So we'll just call it the Weekly Five. Maddness Monday will be fun though!

Gimme a Head With Hair

1. What shampoo do you use?
Hmm... I use whatever I have... every once in a while Mom buys me some... it's this fast dry stuff... not that it makes your hair dry any faster, but usually I just use the shampoo I steal from hotels when I go on vacation because that's fun and then you get to use different shampoo like twice a month, and hey, change is good.

2. Do you use conditioner?
Umm... not really. Late summer I do, but then I always run out. Shampoo is much more abundant in hotel rooms than conditioner.

3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
A few weeks ago.. I'm on a schedule... I go very regularly! I love my Debra... she knows more about me than I do since she's been cutting my hair since i was too little for the chair... She still has that booster seat she bought especially for me because I'm the only kid's hair she ever cut. Man, I could write a whole other blog on this lady... Maybe I will!

4. What styling products do you use?
Hmm... these hair questions are getting kind of.. personal... and boring. My point is, if I actually bothered to go check, then I told you, would you even care enough to comprehend what you're reading? Ya I bet I'll get a comment proving me wrong on this one, too.

5. What's your worst hair-related experience?
Umm... I used to have really short hair when I was really really little, and my mom always put it up in a little half ponytail way on top of my head and I looked like a retard. Oh and I used to light it on fire. Ask Jennifer Gillings about my pyromania... I bet you'll hear some good stories...

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Today's film quote: "You guys are dumber than a bag of hammers." Ulysses Everett McGill "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Ranting and Raving

Not that kind of raving...

Sometimes I get good blog ideas, but they're mean, so I can't post them. Or I do post them, but then I go back and delete them because hey, my blog isn't a secret anymore! Well so I'm going to make a compromise. There are two people that very much irk me in similar ways, so I'm going to rant about the person I don't know personally. Then you can ask me for my analogy, and when I tell you, you'll totally get how every one of my points relates to the person I DO know personally. Actually, I bet you could guess.

Rant 1: Tatu as player-coach
You being the coach does not make you the best player on the team. It's that simple. There are faster, smarter, more-skilled players on the team. I don't care what kind of records you think you have. Maybe you're even a good coach, but I doubt it. I'll explain why in my next point.

Rant 2: Tatu is selfish
You play so much, but you do so little. You lack the follow through, and you're always so obviously pessimistic. You're not encouraging, and you even hurt the team while you sit on the bench. Your selfishness brings down the team. You make it impossible to win.

Rant 3: Tatu takes hard falls
(Think harder, the other person I'm talking about doesn't actually fall, just metophorically.) When someone trips you, and when you trip yourself, you sit there on the ground and yell about. Hey, no one cares, we just want you to get back up! A whole team depends on you, and all you can do is sit around and gripe about how things aren't perfect. Losing isn't everything, sometimes you just have to pick yourself back up and try harder!

That's all I can handle for now. Hey and let's take a poll: pink, blue, yellow, or orange. Leave a post!!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Lunch Room

Mentor is retarded. Pointless. Stupid. A waste of time.

So is Steve.

Hey, Jarrod, too!

"Crap and a half" -- Quote of the day

Boris' blog says "PS- Ashley Rocks!"

I just ate two little donuts. It made me very hungry.

I'm scared about tests. They're hard sometimes.

They're not splitting my mentor class anymore. That means I keep Lindsey, but it also means I keep Ms. Jo Lynn Kelly. Gosh I hope she's not married. That would suck for him.

Today is BJ's birthday. For those of you who know BJ, tell him happy 18th birthday. I hear it makes him very happy. Maybe someday I'll meet BJ.

We got the beet. Haha.

I saw Mrs. Smith in the hallway. I love her. When I go to college and I need teacher reccomendations, I'm going to get one from her.

I don't like it when bad things happen to me, but I like it when bad things happen to bad people. I used to think there was no such thing as a bad person, but i changed my mind like... last week maybe. I decided people CAN be bad, they just have to practice a bit before they get good at it.

Marching band and DCI is (crossed out, are!) a huge (underlined) hobby of mine. Favorite food: Mexican. Me as a boring lawyer. Hook em! Journalism is an area that interests me. <--- Nice project, Nick.

I want to go on vacation, but not with my family. I really like vacations, I just don't really like my family.

I'm a good liar. Something I've said in this blog so far was a lie, but I bet you don't know what it is.

Mentor class is boring. I'm in mentor class right now. I'm bored. Thus, with that, mentor class is boring.

I'm going to delete this when I think about it.

Saturday, October 05, 2002

Letter From the President (Sort Of...)

Today I got a letter from the United States Senate. It was... different. First it was like, mail, ok, from a college. No wait, must be from a camp. You know, like presidential this, presidential that... then I open it, and it's weird... you can see my thoughts in brackets as you read the fantastic letter!

United States Senate [How exciting]
Washington, DC 20510-4304


Commerce, Science, And transportation [those are related how?]

Rules and Administration
Veterans' Affairs [wtf?]

Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Texas [yay Texas]

September 23, 2002 [That was a while ago...]

Ms. Ashley ** **
309 **edited for privacy**
** ** Texas ** **

Dear Ms. Hamilton:

Thank you for contacting me regarding global climate change. [Uhh... you're welcome?] I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. [I'm glad you had a good time]

I believe any future climate change commitments should be based on sound scientific evidence and a careful consideration of the economic and social costs involved. [If you know what you're talking about, fine] Lacking sound scientific judgement, proposals such as the Kyoto treaty would place U.S. industries at a gross competitive disadvantage in the global marketplace. [I'm glad you feel that way about the... Kyotowhatawhat?]

Please be assured that climate change legislation come before the full Senate, I will monitor it closely with your thoughts in mind. [I'm glad you're taking this issue so close to heart]

Thank you for taking the time to write. [Again, I don't quite know what to say to this] I hope you will not hesitate to contact me again on any other issue of concern. [Oh you bet I won't]

Sincerely, [I'm sure]
Kay Bailey Hutchinson [Obviously one smart individual]

It's good to see the government hard at work, writing thank you letters to little girls who didn't do anything in the first place... but at least they're polite!!