Monday, August 26, 2002

Music and Mosquito Bites

I like music. A lot of different kinds. I like classical, country, jazz, rock, swing, the works. That's right, I said country. I'm a country music fan and I'm proud of it. In fact, I'm listening to country as I write this. I own lots of country cds and I download lots of country music. I love singing along in resturaunts that play it because it embarasses people, especially my brother, and I wonder how many words I spelled wrong in that sentence. But I love music. Really I do. Music is fun to listen to and fun to play. And even more fun to sing along to. I'm so glad God invented music. One time I read a WouldYouRather in a magazine and it was WouldYouRather take a cross country road trip with no a/c or no music? It's been a few months, and I still can't decide. It would be so hot... but so boring... and I don't know which is worse, because luckily I'm fortunate enough to know both worlds.

On another, even worse note (can you imagine something worse) I got bitten by a mosquito! Ahh!! It must have been a few days ago, because it's already healing, but it's very scary! What if I got that disease that everyone knows how to say except for me but I'm the one that's the most scared of it? That would be horrible! It's on my elbow, and now that I know it's there, I'm very scared. I think if i knew the symptoms of the disease, I would start to develop them, kind of like in that I Love Lucy episode. I don't really have a particular episode in my mind, but there is an I Love Lucy episode for everything.

I had a dream about the president. Bush that is. We were married (hmm, common theme of marriage in my dreams...) and he wanted to hang this thing on the wall, but I thought it wasn't straight. Also, he wanted to use tacs, but growing up my mother never let me tac stuff to the wall, if I wanted it on the walls badly enough, I could try to get her to approve of it basically, and then she would screw it in. Putting anything on the walls was a big deal, but I craved for some outlet for my interior decorating heart. So I took to decorating the interior of my closet. I had so much fun, and it was so pretty. One time, this sounds morbid, but I drew a really good picture of a burning, crashing airplane. I hung it up and I was so proud. It was a really good drawing! But Bush wasn't hanging stuff in the closet, he was trying to hang our Key Club banner, the one we recieved at the banquet last year, on the wall with tacs and I wouldn't let him. We argued for a while, then i woke up when the TV turned on and he was on! Some speech or something. What did that have to do with music or mosquitos? Well, I'm sure Bush likes music and what if he got bitten by a mosquito? That's what I thought.


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