-Name?: Ashl
-How often do you dream?: I guess probably every night
-Do you dream in black/white or in color or both?: color
-Do you have dejavous often?: haha. What a word. Not too often.
-What do you dream about?: last night, Nick and I broke into this lady’s house to rob it, and we were upstairs in the guestroom and we saw a neighborhood boy put a bomb on my back tire. Then the lady and her husband came home, so we had to jump out of the 2nd story window. I grabbed my coat and purse, but left my car keys, but that’s ok because of the bomb thing. So we split up and we were running, but the cops were all over the neighborhood with their little searchlights. So I had to go over to one of the cop cars. Kevin and Amy and Kyle were tied to the back bumper, and Amy told me not to pick up my feet when I ran. Then it was time for me to wake up and go to class.
-Do you ever dream about something then it happens?: Rarely. But then again, if it was every day that your dreams came true, it wouldn’t seem as special, now would it?
-Do you like having your picture taken?: If I don’t want it taken, I just make a funny face. I used to just stare meanly at the camera, but now my scrapbooks are all full of mean Ashley. If I make a funny face, people think I’m funny Ashley.
-Who did you last take a picture of?: The boys downstairs playing slip n slide in the rain with laundry detergent.
-Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: Martin
-On messenger?: Nick
-How many pillows are on your bed?: 2 here, 4 at home
-Whats your best memory with friends?: Way too many! New York, Ireland, California, prom, this entire summer…
-Worst memory with friends?: I’d rather not talk about it.
-Ever bought a cd for just one song?: Oh gosh yes.
-Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors?: Little Rascals…
-Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it?: it’s usually intentional
-How many people do you live with?: 3 loud girls
-Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one?: Eternal Sunshine. And Teletubbies.
-What color are most of your clothes?: blue
-If you could take back one thing you've done...what would it be and why: Certain things I’ve said. I don’t know how to keep my mouth shut
-If you could have any magical power, what would you have?: Hm. The ability to grant wishes, and have them all turn out well. That or maybe if I could fly.
-Are you a night or morning person?: Neither. Just give me 8 hours of sleep somewhere in there and I’ll be alright.
-Do you believe in love at first site?: I’ll get back to you with a definitive answer, but I’m leaning towards no.
-Whats one of the funniest things someone has said/done in the past week?: I have laughs of the day to take care of this. The topper for the week is probably going to be… I don’t have a clue.
-What/Who can cheer you up no matter what?: Niko
-What movie can you watch over and over and never get bored?: I’m gonna go with Amelie.
-If you died tomorrow, who would you leave everything you own to? What do I own? My car and this computer. I guess I’d give my car to Mick since he doesn’t have one. And who needs a computer? Scott does! Rock on. Oh, and I, Ashley, being of sound body and mind, hereby bequeath the following: To Nick, my love and affection. There, now you get something, too!
-Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?: Gosh. It totally depends on the situation. If we were stranded on a desert island, Martin. If we were having fun at Six Flags, Nick.
-Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick?: Ben Kweller. Or, if he’s busy, Martin. Because SOMEONE told me they wouldn't be my backup so that we get married if we're 28 and still both single! ::pouts::