Diversity is stupid. Now that I've offended you, please continue reading.
Colleges and businesses like to brag about how diverse the people who attend them/work for them are. But the way they judge that is so shallow. All your life, people have been telling you not to judge people based on their skin color, but instead judge them by what is on the inside. My six year old cousin doesn't even know that her kindergarten teacher is black. She doesn't even understand that. Yet, when you go to college, they tell you how diverse they are because they have people with many different skin colors.
I had to take a survey sort of thing a few days ago, and one of the main ideas they asked me about was diversity. Obviously, I am white. Then wanted to know how important diversity is to me when I choose a school, and I don't think it's very important. I guess that could be because I'm white. But when they asked me if I had diverse friends, I actually had to stop and think about it. My first thought was no, and then I realized that most of my friends are NOT white. Stephanie, Chris, Diana, Martin, and then people I used to be really close with too: Leah, Erin, Daniel, Amanda, ect. And then I was thinking man, do I even know any whites? Of course I do. But even within that, Connor's dad's Dutch, Greg is something weird too.
I think people make to big of a deal out of racial lines. I don't think they exist as people see them to. I see affirmative action as unnecessary. Why would a college want to admit a dumber white student over a smarter yellow one? As it stands now, they sometimes have to admit the less qualified one. But I understand the original reason for the system, and that no system can be unflawed. I jut think it is slightly outdated now. And just judging by names, no one can tell these days anyway. If a college wants to brag to be about the diversity their students have, I think it should be a judge of a diversity of interests or abilities, rather than skin colors.
My stuff and stuff
La la la la la la la leave me funky messages so I know you care.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
I was reading an article about the bible and homosexuality. It didn't do much to support it's point, but it did have an interesting perspective on things that I'd never read before.
Basically, instead of focusing on what the bible says you shouldn't do, the author pointed out all of the things the bible says is ok to do, but we as a society have decided those things are bad.
Really good examples:
Homosexuality between women
A sexual relationship between a married man and an unmarried woman
Women being inferior to men
Sex out of wedlock
It did admit the normal three places people point out when homosexuality comes up, and attacked their validity the average ways people do.
The author also quotes Luke 12:57 "Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?” And no, that's not Luke talking, that's Jesus.
Normally, folks, I'd post all my pictures from my trip here, but I'm afraid there were just too many. Instead, I Yahooed them. Go to http://photos.yahoo.com/energeticashley for my pictures, or if you really want some variety, check out Nick's at http://photos.yahoo.com/nsg327. The end!
Monday, August 09, 2004
If one day you feel like crying... call me. I don't promise that I'll make you laugh, but I can cry with you. If one day you want to run away... don't be afraid to call me. I don't promise to make you stop, but I can run with you. If one day you don't want to listen anymore... call me. I promise I will be there for you. And I promise to be very quiet. But if one day you call... And there is no answer, come fast to see me. I may need you.