Wednesday, May 14, 2003


Sometimes it can be cool when other people make decions for you. For instance, when you have to make a big decision, say, going to TAMS, and you don't get accepted, then bang, you can't go. End of story. Or let's say you want to go to an expensive school like SMU, but you don't have the money or scholarships. That's been pretty much decided for you, too.

Other times, people make you decide things. Little things like class schedules can even be pretty bad. But even then, your parents can have the final decison with "no, you aren't allowed to take any more drama classes." or "you have to be in band next year. We bought you a trumpet!" Going to college, deciding what you want to do when you grow up, those are bigger, scarier things. I don't want to think about those yet. I don't even want to think about school next year yet.

And still other times, people try to make decisions for you, only really they just jumble things up. If you come home one day, and say "mom, i just found out i'm nominated for president of the lizzard loving club at school" and your mom says, "cool, only lets think about this. oh and lets meet with ms kunkle, your lizzard loving sponsor" then let's say, after the meeting, word gets out about the lizzard loving club, but your lizzard loving coach says "well, thats peculiar, im going to find out whats REALLY going on. ps, she lied to you about that other stuff she told you in there. i know the real deal" oh but before that, your math teacher found out about the meeting, and he wanted to know all about it and he tells you his perspective. and before that your other grown-up friend thought it'd be nice to give you his valuble two cents about, looking in hindsight, what would be best for me.

Bottom line, before I really wanted people's opinions. I didn't know what to do about the lizzard loving club, i mean, what if its a cult! and plus i like the llama loving club that im a member of now! and i can't dbe a member of both. But i am allowed to hang out with the llama loving club if i switch to the lizzard loving club. and i can still be parliamentarian in either. But that's beside the point. The point was, now that too many people are involved, and giving too many conflicting pieces of advice, i wish i was strong enough to just make my own dang decision, just for some peace of mind.

- sorry, i'm not so good with the caps lock a lot, and probably not so good with spelling, i didn't proof read
- i'm not really a member of the llama loving club, and im not really considering joing the lizzard loving club
- this is the first entry i've written in a long time, and will probably be the last for a while, so enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

You Better Believe It

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces persverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."
Romans 5:3-5