Wednesday, November 13, 2002

The Entry I Promised to Write About Debra (With a Sidebar For Other Cool Grown Ups)

Debra is my hairdresser. She always has been. She's been cutting my hair since I was too little to know I needed a haircut. Also, she helped me through my tramatic years of wanting a buzz cut. Thank you Debra, for never letting me have a buzz cut. I owe you one.

Debra lives in Plano I think. She has a daughter named Jordan who's about 10 I think, and a son, who's pretty young. Maybe in kindergarten. Jordan is on the swim team, and she wins sometimes, so I think she must be pretty good. Her son, whos name I still can't remember, is too young to be on the swim team or anything. Jordan had a really mean math teacher for a long time, and Debra had to keep going to parent-teacher meetings with her. I heard all about it.

My mom has been going to Debra for probably as long as I have been alive. And as far as I know, she's always gotten the same hair cut! Kind of like Mr. Mason... But, I know Debra would never cut his hair because I'd ask her not to. And she loves me. So does Mrs. Smith. But since my mom has known Debra longer than she has known me, she tells her everything. It's like they're best friends. And they even have a lot of the same friends. But since she tells her everything, Debra tends to know more about me than I do.

Sometimes when I show up to get my hair cut she'll ask me about stuff I don't even know about. And she's very involved in my social life. She asks me about my friends and my boyfriends. When I tell her me and a friend aren't getting along, she tells me to send them down there and she'll set them straight. And she convinced my mom to go out of town with my dad so I could have a Valentine's party. She also tries to get me to let her meet my boyfriends before I say yes to them. She wants to make sure they're good enough for me. It's really quite sweet if you think about it, but I'm not going to put anyone through that sort of torture...

I also have to be careful what we talk about, because if I tell her too much, she'll turn around and repeat it to my mother. And really, who wants their mom to know all about their personal life? Not me... I'd rather her believe I don't have one.

And now for the side bar:
Other grown ups with honorable mentions for blog entry material are:
Mrs. Smith, she's the coolest teacher ever
Mrs. Niles, she's the second coolest teacher ever, and her daughters name is Jordan too!
Mr. Gray and Mr. Westfall, my inspiration
Mr. Griffin, the beastmaster, who I get ideas from
Frau Bardin, not because I like her, but beause she says the stupidest things
Nana, my favorite family member

Monday, November 11, 2002


What's Your Full Name: Ashley
What School Do You Go To: Coppell. 04 Sho
Do You Make Good Grades: the best
What Are Your Grades: good ones
WHat Classes Do You Take:
1. math
2. band
3. history
4. german
5. science
6. we only
7. have 5
8. periods
How Old are you now: 16
What Is Your D.O.B (Date Of Birth): thanks, like i didn't know...july 14
What time was you born: 10 am
Do You Have Any Brothers: unfortunately
How Many: just one, im lucky afterall
What Are Their Names: HIS name is brent
Do You Have Any Sisters: nu uh
How Many: again, no
What Are Their Names: one more time, none
Do You Have Any Pets: yep
If So, What Are Their Names: KC, Sunny, Flint
Do You Have AOL: sorta
If So, What's Your Screen Name: eh... i dont know who reads this
Do You Have Yahoo Instant Messanger: no
If So, What's Your Screen Name: no
Do You Have MSN Instant Messanger: no
If So, What's Your Address: no
If So, WHat's Your Screen Name: huh?
Do You Have ICQ: no
If So, What's Your ICQ Number: no
Do You Play Any Sports: heck ya
If So, What: marching band, chups

What's Your Favorite Disney Char.: i thought that said chair the first time i read it
What's Your Faborites Looney Tunes Char.: you spelled favorite wrong
What's Your Favorite Saying: Ashley rocks!
What's Your Favorite Hockey Team:good to see they ask about soccer
What's Your Favorite Basketball Team: basketball isnt fun
What's Your Favorite Baseball Team: baseball isnt either
What's Your Favorite Sport: soccer, hi
What's Your Favorite Board Game: maybe life or monopoly or something classic
What's Your Favorite Food: popcorn and fun dip
What's Your Favorite Time Of Day: night time
What's Your Favorite Song: be my yoko ono
What's Your Favorite Movies: wouldnt it be what ARE? but anyway, scary movies are the best… then funny movies
Who's Your Favorite Actor: someone funny
Who's Your Favorite Actress: someone else thats funny
What's Your Favorite Internet Sight:, you can find anything: that’s for you boris!
What's Your Favorite Halmark Card: people have favorite hallmark cards?
What's Your Favorite Brand Of Clothing: ooh youre shallow, but anyway I like the gap
What's Your Favorite Pick Up Line: the roses are red violets are blue kind
Who's Your Favorite Friend: ohh, nick
What's Your Favorite Acholic Bevrage: oh no thank you
What's Your Favorite Non-Alcholic Beverage: vanilla coke or kool aid
What's Your Favorite Clothing Store: the mall (its kinda a store)
What's Your Favorite Smell: jovan musk for men
What's Your Favorite Taste: the taste of a fun dip lik em stik
Who's Your Favorite Chic Singer: trisha yearwood, leann woman, faith hill, but they dont even compare to the guys
Who's Your Favorite Guy Singer: bk
What's Your Favorite Band: rascal flatts, bnl at a close second
What's Your Favorite Colonge: jovan, and I think you spelled cologne wrong…
What's Your Favorite Perfume: sweet honesty
What's Your Favorite Flavor Of Ice Cream: rainbow or chocolate chip cookie dough
What's Your Favorite Flavor Of Snow Cone: tigers eye or banana
What's Your Favorite Season: summer, then winter… none of those in-between kind of seasons for me!
What's Your Favorite Animal: cats and dogs are tied
What's Your Favorite Insect: butterflies!!
What's Your Favorite Animal @ The Zoo:penguins, i love the way they walk!
What's Your Favorite Color: yellow
What's Your Favorite Number: 2? thats not a good question
What's Your Favorite Friends Name (Gurls): hmm…roxanne’s a cool name cus people can call you rox, but that song always gets stuck in my head. I like 2 syllable names that sound cool when they’re short, like beck and aub!
What's Your Favorite Friends Name (Guys): I always liked Jacob, cus jake is cool, but I’ve never met one
What's Your Favorite Flower: tulip, then daffodils, then roses
What's Your Favorite TV Show: gilmore girls
What's Your Favorite Subject: definitely not band… right now history, in a few weeks probably not
What's Your Favorite Candy Bar: where have all the cookies gone? into hersheys cookies and cream!
What's Your Favorite Radio Station: 99.5
What's Your Favorite Card Game: mafia! or ers


Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Friendliest: omg you spelled who's wrong every single time!
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Nicest: ive never heard amy say anything mean
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Meanest: oh i could think of a few...
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Beautifulest: hah me
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Ugliest: oh not me
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Loudest: lindsey maybe
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Hyper-iest: beckster
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Annoying'iest: I don’t like annoying people, so I don’t have any annoying friends. and if I did, this wouldn’t be the right way to tell them!
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Kewlest: Jennifer, so cool I bet shed spell kewl with a k too!
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Awesomest: diana's fun
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Shyest: ben hansen's shy
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Talkative: est? aren’t we all
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Skinnest: so judgemental... me i guess
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Fattest: chubby vs. fat, never forget
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Alcholic: hopefully none of them
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Internet Junky: well, not greg, that’s for sure...
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Read-alohic: courtney nelson is GREAT for borrowing books from
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Bossy'iest: kevin, der freaking furor
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Pervert-est: martin, hands down
Out Of Your Friends Whoes Got ALl The Brain's: man Im full of myself. just kidding, beckys the one at tams, not me!
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Best: ya, nick!
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Dumbest: well, if he still thinks saxes are better than trumpets, boris
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Crazyest: kimmys crazy cool
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Wildest: stephanie has a WILD watch
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One That Has To Be Perfect About Everything: hmm.. I don’t know actually
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Most Althletic: larry's in cross country, but ross is in lacrosse
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The Most Sevice To THe School: sevice?
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be The Next Bill Clinton: why
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be The Next Michael Jordan: are
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be The Next Tiger Woods: none
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be The Next Brad Pitt: of
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be The Next Jeremy McGrath: these
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be The Next Mark MuGuire: girls?
Out Of Your Friends Whoes The One Who Will Be A Model: oh aubrey or daniel for sure


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: dad says i should be a pro hockey player
Does That Job Make Alot Of $Money$: i dont actually know
How Many Years Of College Will That Take: probably none
What College Do You Go To Or Want To Go To: maybe UT, but Columbia would be so much fun…
Do You Want To Get Married: of course
When Do You Want To Get Married: when im 22
Do You Want Any Children: sure
If So, How Many: 2 would probably be suffice
What Would Be Their Names: well it depends who they are, silly... maybe my life will be a movie and my husband will put their names in a drawer until i guess them
How Old Do You Want To Be When You Have Your First Child: depends on when im married. say no to premarital sex
What Do You Want To Live In: a house
Do You Want Any Pets In Your Home: yes
How Old Do You Want To Be When You Die: older than this
How Do You Want To Die: peacefully...

The End:

What would you do if you came face to face with an alien :get him to teach me something cool, like how to glow in the dark or float or see through things. hey you, nice underwear!
If you were at home talking with your mother one day and suddenly you notice her staring in shock and literally wetting herself at something behind you, and when you turn around you notice a a massive evil ghost staring at you, would you attempt to communicate with it, or would you also wet your pants in fear : depends, is it casper?
What would you do if you saw a lion running towards you : get out of the way of the rabbit he's chasing
What would you do if you won a million in your currency : say "wow" then buy people presents
What would you do if someone put a loaded gun to your head : freak out
What would you do if you were stood tied to a post and saw a bull running towards you : be mad at the person who tied me there, but then use the cool trick that alien from above taught me and make me and that mean person switch places. haha whos tied to a post now?
What is your most embarrassing moment : if i told you, how would you know i wasnt making it up?
If you were arrested for a crime you didn't commit in another country and tied to a post and you saw 10 men with guns ready to shoot you, would you bother to struggle, or would you poop yourself and cry like a baby in fear : id cry and struggle at the same time cus im cool like that
If you were suspended barefoot only an inch above a boiling hot fire, would you enjoy it, or would your toe nail polish melt and drip off your toes : i can bet i wouldnt enjoy it, but as for the toe nail polish thing, i cant really say either way

Friday, November 08, 2002

I want to take this time to call your attention to my previous entry, "Make Love, Not War." Please

Sunday, November 03, 2002

Make Love, Not War

Say that 10 times and you'll be a better person because of it.